the SusTINable Times


February 24, 2023

Dear strategic partners: This new edition of our The SusTINable Times newsletter is an opportunity to reaffirm that today, more than ever our purpose: “improving lives, transforming minerals into wellbeing” is what motivates and challenges us to continue giving our best despite adverse circumstances. Each chapter of our history has taught us that Peruvians united, […]

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Antauta and Minsur: joint development

September 8, 2022

After 2 years of negotiations, Minsur reached an agreement with the Antatuta basin development roundtable to implement several development projects in this area of Melgar province, where San Rafael mine operates. This document -signed before government authorities, such as the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM), the […]

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Carbon footprint: new goals and commitments

September 7, 2022

Setting the bar high, and in line with its new purpose, Minsur reaffirms its strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Gradual and progressive reductions of GHG emissions aims at the company’s new challenge: Zero net emissions by 2050. This took place in November 2021. During the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP). The ICMM, entity […]

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“We improve life, transforming minerals into wellbeing”: the story of our purpose

September 7, 2022

In 2022, Minsur officially presented its corporate purpose to the Mining Division. It is part of the Evolution project, which we launched to address our industry’s current challenges and global demands. To better understand where it comes from and where it leads to, we talked to Alvaro Escalante, Minsur’s Manager of Human Resources. What is […]

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World-class sustainability

January 6, 2022

Download our 2020 Sustainability Report. In 2018, Minsur joined the ICMM (International Council for Mining and Minerals), thus reaffirming its commitment to being a world-class Peruvian company. Our vision and mission, centered around sustainability as the pillar of our operations and management, meets the highest international industry standards. Since 2018, our annual reports on sustainable […]

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A message from the CEO: Hard times are SusTINable times

January 6, 2022

The current global circumstances test us daily, but at Minsur we have managed to overcome these difficulties, adapt, and become stronger. In first place, I would like to wish you a great year 2022. I hope that all of you, your families and employees are keeping well and in good health throughout this pandemic. I would […]

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Hard Times: Our Strategy Against COVID-19

January 5, 2022

Our corporate culture, as well as our prompt capacity for organized response has allowed us to circumvent the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are some of the highlights. In mid-March, the government decreed a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing a mandatory confinement of the population and a shutdown of the […]

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LINGO: a different way of doing things

January 5, 2022

Innovation, ingenuity and communication, the key pieces of one of the most powerful Minsur initiatives that has allowed a better adaptation to these new times. We spoke with Diego Molina, Director of Transformation, to know more about LINGO and about its contributions to the company’s business strategy and operations, particularly in the context of the […]

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Supply chain meets blockchain for end-to-end mineral tracking

December 16, 2019

By Google Do you know where your tin comes from? It’s nearly everywhere in technology and manufacturing and a vital part of many of the products we use every day—including Google products. But, like most mined minerals, tin has been historically challenging to track as it travels from its original source through the transportation […]

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One year consolidating sustainability

December 16, 2019

Minsur closes FY2019 deepening its sustainability approach and consolidating as a benchmark company for the mining and the global tin industry. Our policies and standards have been strengthened since we joined the ICMM and meet the demands of global citizenship. Thus, we can emphasize some of the actions we took this year, such as the […]

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